Get a quick overview of the Milestones
Mahé Freight founded
ScanAm Transport founded
Sold to Odin Equity, Mahé merges with ScanAm. Founding of Scan Global Logistics
Enter into a strategic alliance partnership with TransGroup Worldwide Logistics
SGL Group and TransGroup sold to U.S. private equity firm AEA Investors
Allan Melgaard was appointed Group CEO of Scan Global Logistics. Acquisition of Airlog Group and CrossEurope
Acquisition of Kestrel Freight in Australia and Macca Logistics in Africa
Acquisition of IQS Group, BK Spedition, IC Logistics, and SGL Spain. SGL Express Courier and SGL E-Commerce established as an independent company
Acquisition of Pioneer (Australia) and the Air & Ocean activities from Post Nord AB (Sweden). Start-up activities in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Cambodia with a subsequent asset deal Introduced a new sustainability strategy and published our first standalone sustainability report
Acquisition of Werner Global Logistics (Air & Ocean activities), Grupo Contenosa, Orbis Global Logistics, and Horizon International Logistics. Start-up activities in France, South Africa, Togo, and Benin
Acquisition of bison Services, B.C. Dispatch, D&W, Trust Forwarding, Trust Forwarding SE, NO & DK, AFL Logistics - American Freight Line Southeast, Sea-Air Logistics, Gelders Forwarding, Advection Logistics including one minority investment
Acquisition of Sand Road Freight, Belglobe GmbH, ETS Transport & Logistics GmbH and ETS Fulfillment GmbH, 3PL Logistics Inc., FLS – Freight and Logistics Solutions Lda and Gardermoen Parcel Xpress DA. Start-up activities in Romania and Kenya. CVC Capital Partners Fund VIII (CVC) acquire a majority shareholding in SGL from current investor AEA, remaining a minority shareholder. Nils Smedegaard Andersen was appointed Chairman of the Board, and Thomas Nieszner joined the Board of Directors.
Established activities in Columbia, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Ireland and Slovakia.
Acquisition of ENK Logistics, Blu Logistics Brasil and Foppiani Shipping & Logistics (Italy).
Established activities in Tanzania.