A blue train winds through lush green tea plantations in a mountainous region, with vibrant greenery stretching across the hills and a cloudy sky overhead

Sri Lanka

Did you know that Sri Lanka is one of the world’s biggest tea exporters?



Hanging like a ripe tea leaf off the tip of India, Sri Lanka is home to one of the oldest supply chains still in existence. The famous Ceylon tea, named in British colonial times, has placed Sri Lanka among the world’s top-producing tea exporters for over two centuries. Initially transported by caravans of carts from the inland plantation areas to Colombo harbour, the tea supply chain has undergone continuous adaptions to keep the sought-after produce flowing to markets worldwide ever since.

The expertise and capabilities essential to the intricate supply chain of a cup of tea are shared by our Sri Lankan team and mirrored in their approach to keeping your goods moving.

Regardless of whether your cargo’s destination is East or West-bound, as the regional hub in South Asia, we are experts in providing cost effective sea/air or air/sea solutions at reliable delivery times. The Colombo international container terminal is the first and only deepwater port in South Asia capable of handling the largest vessels afloat, recently rankedamong the best 15 container terminals in the world.

Proud to help provide some of the best tea to the world, we are here to uncomplicate your supply chain.



Your local Sri Lankan team is pleased to offer our extended services within: 

Customs Brokerage

Domestic Trucking


We handle all industries but specialize in: 



Project cargo



Get in touch

Dhanushka Perera

Managing Director

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