
Road transport goes green in Sweden

16 Feb, 2022

Transport trucks lined up in a row on a parking lot.

Ocean Freight Sweden goes green on first and final-mile deliveries. In close partnership with selected hauliers, they become the first in Sweden to set the ambitious goal of running as close to 100% on biofuel on all pickup and ocean freight container deliveries in 2022.

With 610,000 kilometers of road crisscrossing the elongated country in the North, there’s a lot of CO2 to be saved by transitioning from regular diesel to biofuel. Our Swedish Ocean Freight experts have partnered with a number of truckers to shift from regular diesel to HVO100 (hydrotreated vegetable oil) – a fossil-free renewable diesel approved for all heavy vehicles in the market – on all container haulings.

At no additional costs for our customers, we take local and concrete climate action towards more climate-friendly transport.

Aiming for 200 tons in C02 reduction
Trucks run equally as well on regular diesel as biofuel. However, there’s a 60-80% CO2 reduction potential depending on the types of raw materials used to produce the biofuel.

Based on our 2021 volumes, it equals 150 – 200 tons of CO2 reduction. The ’22 goal is to get as close to 200 tons as possible.

The next ambitious goal is to start using biofuel on all part loads within 3 – 6 months.

Choosing to drive the green agenda

Shifting to biofuel is a deliberate choice of the truckers working with us and more are expected to join during 2022.

HVO100 is limited in supply, so to obtain the targeted CO2 reductions, an exchange system has been put in place if biofuel is not available out in the countryside. In that case, a trucker will fill up an equal amount of HVO in another truck that would otherwise run on regular diesel.

A win-win-win for the customers

Not only does the environment win from the transition.

To a recent customer, a suggested re-routing also saved time and money by changing the port of delivery from Norrköping on the East coast of Sweden to Gothenburg on the West coast.

Using the extensive network of rail and truck shuttles and green corridors running into the country via Gothenburg, the customer was delighted with the initiative, saving them an estimated 4-6 days of ocean voyage on top of the green mileage.

Mats Larsson, Head of Ocean Freight, Sweden, explains the transitioning to biofuel:

‘As a global freight forwarder, we have committed to supporting the UN sustainable goals and helping reduce our customers’ Scope 3 emissions. By changing to biofuel, we can positively and locally impact our customers’ supply chain emissions independent of, for instance, the shipping lines’ sustainability actions. Letting the environment decide the alternative routes we offer our customers becomes a win-win-win,’ Mats Larsson finishes.

Get in touch

Mats Larsson

Head of Ocean Freight, Sweden

Email me