
There is no replacement for experience

31 Oct, 2019

Finn Bengtsen, SGL Freight Forwarder

Know-how and expertise are often related to experience. And experience comes with age. Finn Bengtsen - probably the most experienced freight forwarder at Scan Global Logistics and in the industry at the ripe age of 79 - still has a lot to offer and shows no signs of slowing down.

Would you hire a 70-year old? Most companies would probably say no to that question - if they were to be completely honest. But Scan Global Logistics chose to say: “Why not”. Who gets the job should be a matter of skills and how the individual would fit into the organization - not a question of age.

So, Finn Bengtsen joined the company at the ripe age of 70. He has now turned 79, but is still going strong, holding a demanding position as Group Risk Manager and sharing his vast experience with the younger colleagues and learning them all about claims and complaints handling.

I was actually considering retirement, when I got this call from a former colleague, Eva Brasar. She and EVP, Jørgen Jessen invited me for brunch and a talk. One thing took another and, in the end, it resulted in a job, which I could not resist,” says Finn Bengtsen.

Having worked in logistics almost his entire working life, Finn Bengtsen has experienced the technological changes first hand.

I remember back when I was a trainee, at that time, we had no computers - it was all done manually with pen, paper and a lot of legwork. We literally had to run down to the docks to handle everything - and I do mean everything. Smoking was allowed in the offices, it was typewriters not PC’s and so on. Things have changed immensely since. The one thing though I still notice is a pillar in logistics is the personal relations. It is still important - and that is good.”

With decades of experience and still in the game, Finn Bengtsen is a perfect source of advice for the younger generations in logistics. So, we asked what piece of advice he would offer younger freight forwarders?

I believe that you have to take the opportunities that life gives you. See the world and learn. I have had some amazing experiences throughout my career, having worked in Africa and other territories. I would not be without that even if some things could get a tad too wild - as Africa in general and a lot of the countries were going through some major changes and turmoil while I was there.”

Finally we asked Finn, what made him continue working, when he most certainly has paid his dues. The answer showed that age has nothing to do with motivation.

To be honest. I don’t feel that I’m done yet. I still have lots to offer and I also feel I get a sense of purpose from my work. The social element is also very important. To interact with other people and other generations in a positive manner, is very giving. I don’t have any managerial responsibilities or staff to look after anymore, and it suits me perfect. I think it is as close to a working win-win situation you can get,” Finn Bengtsen concludes.

From Scan Global Logistics perspective senior employees is not a one-off example, and we are definitely open to try it again.

“We are proud to have Finn and other employees working for us, that could have chosen to retire.

The experience they share with their younger coworkers on a daily basis bridges the gap between classic logistics virtues that should not be forgotten, and a modern approach based on IT and technological solutions.

In a world that is moving extremely fast and with increasing demands for the right solutions, it is important to learn from the voices of experience. It is not every solution that has to be invented from scratch. And senior employees have a lot to offer.

At Scan Global Logistics, we believe that companies should take great interest in the countries and areas where they operate. One way is by hiring and retaining staff no matter age, gender and race focusing only on competence and culture. Some call that CSR, we call it common sense - and the right thing to do,” says Tore Håkonsson, EXV People & Culture at Scan Global Logistics.