
Year-end status

19 Dec, 2019

Photo of Claes and Allan

The year is coming to an end and we would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for the great support that has been shown in our company in 2019.

2019 has in every way been another good year for the Scan Global Logistics Group. We have grown organically and in addition, exercised three successful acquisitions supporting the total expansion of our company, in terms of geography, services, and competencies.

This, on an overall level, allows us to strengthen our position in the market through an improved level of service and support to our customers.

Furthermore, we opened new offices in Peru and Myanmar and additional offices in regions and countries where we are already present.

We are very pleased with this development and the overall development of the group. Scan Global Logistics has gone through an official rating process by S&P & Fitch during 2019 with a satisfying outcome and we have refinanced our existing bonds and collected further capital for future growth.

2019 has seen us strengthen our organization, we have cultivated our internal culture and mapped our DNA in order to stay true to the culture that has taken us this far and match our future expectations.

That includes a new and improved focus on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), where we intend to invest time and resources in order to make a difference.

We are entering into 2020 in very good shape and are looking forward to a great journey together with you, our customers.

Once again thank you very much for all your support.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas & a prosperous New Year


Best regards

Allan Melgaard, Group CEO at Scan Global Logistics &

Claes Brønsgaard Pedersen, Group CFO at Scan Global Logistics

Get in touch

Allan Melgaard

Global CEO

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Claes Brønsgaard Pedersen

Global CFO

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