A truck with Roth Nordic and Scan Global Logistics logo
Delivery on time
For Roth Nordic, reliability and delivering on time is essential for their business. Selling underfloor heating systems, tap- water installations, solar panels and oil tanks to the Nordic market, most of their customers are in the building industry. On construction sites, costs are significant if things stand still because of unstable supplies. Therefore, Roth Nordic is highly dependent on stability, reliability and deliveries on time.
To ensure stability, Roth Nordic has chosen SGL.
Joint branding
Roth Nordic has chosen our cobranding solution.
The goal of SGL and Roth Nordic is not just bringing cargo from A to B, but also to continuously look for better logistics solutions. As an example, SGL is offering Roth Nordic joint branding by placing Roth Nordic’s brand on SGL’s trailers.
This creates value for both companies.
Cargo insurance
SGL is also arranging for transport insurance. This is often vital due to the high value of the HVAC systems.
The cooperation with Scan Global Logistics started with our export to Norway 10 years ago and has constantly evolved into more and more traffics and products. The experience with SGL as trustworthy and reliable is essential for our business, as we know how important it is to deliver what we promise and deliver it on time.
Søren Beicker
Purchase Manager Roth Nordic
About Roth Nordic
Roth Nordic develops, manufactures and markets complete HVAC systems specially adapted to the Nordic market. With national sales organizations and sales through HVAC wholesalers, Roth Nordic’s products are readily available. Roth Nordic covers the whole of the Nordic region and operate from their own logistics centre in Frederikssund, Denmark.