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Did you know - Brochure
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Did you know - Cambodia
Almost 900 years ago, Cambodians’ innovativeness moved gargantuan bricks from quarries 100 km away via a network of hundreds of canals. The world’s largest religious structure, Angkor Wat, was built in the short span of a few decades, using around 10 million sandstone bricks, many weighing up to 1,500kg.
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Did you know - France
In 2018, the French temperament sent the country on strike for 114 days (per 1000 employees). Still, the country remained one of the top-most productive in Europe. However much we like a coffee break in a café, efficiency, reactivity, and flexibility guide our actions, so be confident that your goods arrive on time no matter the obstacles on the way.
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Did You Know - Myanmar
Myanmar is one of only three countries in the world not to use the metric system. The country still uses its units of measurement, though you’ll find gas measured in gallons and distances in miles. Weight is a bit trickier, with 1 viss (peittha) equal to 1.68 kilograms (3.5 pounds). Confused?
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Did you know - Netherlands
Today, the old red-brick warehouse is an apartment building. We know its secret and all other secrets to providing valuedriven logistics solutions in the Netherlands.
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