
Achieving net-zero target approval from the SBTi

22 Aug, 2024

We are proud to announce that on Monday, July 29, 2024, our long-term and net-zero targets for 2050 were approved by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as one of only a few companies within the logistics industry. The approval means that SBTi confirms our efforts to achieve our targets align with the 1.5°C trajectory from the Paris agreement to reach net zero by 2050 or sooner. To new and existing customers with SBTi targets, the approval ensures a partnership with a leading sustainable logistics provider in decarbonising their supply chain.



Make a difference from tomorrow

With the approved targets, we stand out in an increasingly competitive logistics and transportation sector, where several key players are striving to secure their long-term science-based net-zero targets.

For customers, partnering with a transportation partner aligned with the Net-Zero standard like us, it means aligning with a logistics provider whose sustainability goals and initiatives are not just ambitious but also validated. Changing to biofuels provides customers with immediate impact towards reaching their near and long-term climate targets.

Catalogue of low-carbon solutions

We offer a catalogue of low-carbon solutions for all transport modes. We believe decarbonising the supply chain is a joint effort. Through net-zero partnerships, we are ready to help customers make a difference tomorrow and align impactful decarbonisation strategies for the future.

The approval was issued by the SBTi Target Evaluation team on Monday, July 29, 2024. The official announcement is published on the SBTi website today, August 22, 2024.


Get in touch

Martin Andersen

Global Head of Sustainability & ESG

email me