Congestion tax in Gothenburg and Stockholm

24 Jul, 2015

In January 2013, the Swedish Government decided to introduce congestion taxation in the Gothenburg region. In January 2015, they decided to add it to the Stockholm region as well. The purpose of this taxation is to make the streets easily passable, to ensure a better environment and to cover expenses related to the vast infrastructure at traffic bottlenecks.

These taxes affect all traffic between Denmark and the following zones in Sweden with postal codes between 10-19, 40-53 and 60-98. Cargo from Jutland and Funen in Denmark always pass through Gothenburg, which is why this taxation will be imposed on all these lanes. Cargo from Zealand and surrounding islands in Denmark will only affect transports with destination within the above-mentioned postal codes.

Therefore, with effect September 1, 2015, Scan Global Logistics has decided to implement an additional charge related to the Swedish Congestion tax. The charge is calculated as follows:
1-800 kg DKK 17.00 per shipment
801-19.999 kg DKK 34.00 per shipment
20.000 kg-30.000 kg DKK 52.00 per shipment

You are welcome to contact your local Scan Global Logistics contact person for any questions related to this.
For any further information about the Congestion taxes in Sweden, please go to

Scan Global Logistics Denmark
Road Department, Mahé Euro Aps