Important Information about Wooden Cases to/from Brazil

01 Feb, 2016

Starting on February 1, 2016 (date of BL) it becomes mandatory to report shipments containing wood as packaging material and shoring.

All Shipping Instructions of import export, transshipment and transit (pass) cargoes to/from Brazil, must contain the following:

  • Wooden Package: Not applicable (Not used)
  • Wooden Package used: Processed
  • Wooden Package used: treated/Certified
  • Wooden Package used: Not treated/Not certified

Exporter/importer is the responsible party to provide such information to Carrier. If shipping instruction does not contain such information, we will consider there is no wooden package inside of the containers(s) mentioned on BL. Therefore, any consequences due to the lack of correct information will be customer´s exclusively responsibility.

The above is under recent legislation published by MAPA (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento) IN 32.

For more details about the Brazilian regulation, Portaria SDA n° 47 (20/04/12) please visit:

More information about International Regulation of Wood Packaging Material, ISPM N° 15, is available in the Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAQ website