New Security Declaration for USA effective January, 29th 2016

01 Feb, 2016

The United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued a directive, which requires an additional security declaration for all shipments bound for the United States.

As a result, all shipments with air waybills issued no later than January 29 2016 are to comply and include the following declaration:

“The shipper, (Name of Entity) has reviewed all available documentation and has determined that none of the cargo being offered in this consignment or consolidation either originated in, transferred from, or transited through any point in Egypt, Syria, Somalia or Yemen.”

For shipments tendered as an e-AWB, the statement shall be added in the Other Service Information (OSI) or the Special Service Request fields (SSR).

On a paper air waybill, the statement may be included in a field that will be printed on the air waybill, such as the Handling Information or Nature and Quantity of Goods fields.

These actions required above apply to cargo including cargo consisting of non-U.S. mail.