
Scan Global Logistics secures another project for the renewable energy sector

08 Apr, 2020

Scan Global Logistics (SGL) has just won a new project, transporting specialised equipment. The project includes transport of covers blade racks which will be used for oceangoing installation vessels.

“We are very thrilled to secure projects like this. It is right down our alley as we are known to excel in specialised challenges,” says Kim Sønderby Hansen, Global Head of Industrial Projects Oil, Gas & Renewable Energy.

The SGL Industrial Project & Renewable Energy team of Aalborg Branch, Denmark has already undertaken the first transport in a safe and effective operation. The transportation takes place from the Baltic Sea to continental Europe.

“It is very positive to continue this line of essential business, especially during times like these (covid-19). We are happy to be a part of projects that create jobs and also eventually has a positive impact on the environment. For our team of specialists & experts you can say that it is business as usual, but in the bigger picture it is also a part of keeping the wheels turning,” concludes Kim Sønderby.

The cargo that SGL handled consist of specialized fabricated elements. One unit had a weight of 74 tons and another 63 tons.

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Tim Johansen

Global Head of Renewable Energy

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