11 May, 2011
On the picture above, from the left to the right: Mr. Asger Aamund, successful trade director, Mr. Martin Aabak, director of Danish Freight Forwarders Association and Mr. Jøregen Jessen, EVP and co-owner of Scan Global Logistics.
SGL received the award at the Danish Freight Forwarders Association’s annual general meeting. The award is of DKK 10.000, - which will be donated to charity. (Further information hereof can be found on our website shortly).
SGL Asian Warehousing
In short, the idea of the concept is to offer the customers direct delivery from production to end user. SGL handles all pick & pack, labeling, quality control etc. at our warehouses in Asia from where the parcels are distributed directly to shops all over Europe. Our customers minimize both their transit time from production to end user as well as their warehousing costs in Denmark.
The EFFIE-award
SGL was one of three companies nominated for the award. Jury behind EFFIE-award chose SGL as winner because the Asian Warehousing concept is an example of the forwarder adding value to their customers as well as re-thinking optimization of the value chain. Further, they emphasize SGL’s creativity and ability to execute a strategy for the customer.
Originally, the EFFIE-award was established by the Danish Freight Forwarders Association and the National Transportation Journal, in order to highlight that Danish forwarders’ logistics services rank among the best in the world, but the industry does not always remember to tell the good stories.