
Status update Ever Given

07 May, 2021

Cargo ship sailing

On Tuesday, the Egyptian court ruled that the container ship which blocked the Suez Canal in March could continue to be held in the waterway, rejecting an appeal by its Japanese owner against its detention.

Ever Given has been held by the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) against Japanese owner Shoei Kisen for compensation of $916 million for the incident. The SCA has been conducting investigations into the cause of the ship's grounding but has yet to announce the results.

The reasoning for the ruling was not immediately clear, but the SCA argued that the plaintiff had not notified all the required parties of its challenge to the ship's detention within the required time limit.

The ship's protection and indemnity insurer, UK Club, say the owners were reviewing their options to appeal in light of the decision and have until May 20 to do so.

This update is based on a Reuters update.

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Mads Drejer

Global COO & CCO

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