Ocean Biofuel
Real emissions reductions in just 24 hours
Is your business committed to cutting CO2 emissions?
Why not start with a simple change that can make a great impact.
With a seamless and affordable fuel switch, you can reduce up to 84% of your ocean freight emissions
– directly within your supply chain.
Ocean biofuel is one of the most effective solutions available today for reducing carbon emissions in ocean freight. And one of the only solutions, that only requires 24 hours to get implemented in the supply chain.
You can choose whether you want to reduce emissions on one trade-lane, several, or all – all you need is to tell us how you want it. And we will keep score on how much you are reducing, sending a monthly overview.
Don’t just plan for tomorrow — take concrete action today.
Ocean biofuel explained
Sustainably sourced
Ocean biofuel is made from certified waste and residue materials, such as used cooking oil and agricultural byproducts, ensuring minimal environmental impact.
Mass balance principle
The "mass balance" principle is a global standard for transparently and practically reducing your ocean freight emissions by deploying Biofuel. Instead of dedicating specific biofuel batches to individual shipments, the "mass balance" system allows biofuels to be blended with traditional fuels and used across a shipping fleet. The amount of biofuel is carefully tracked and accurately allocated on a shipment-level basis in proportion to the commitment made.
Easy integration
Ocean biofuel functions as a drop-in solution, blending effortlessly with existing marine fuel. This means no additional investment is required for vessels to operate efficiently with biofuel.
Real reductions, no offsetting
Unlike carbon offsetting, where emissions are compensated through external projects, ocean biofuel directly reduces CO2 emissions within your supply chain. These reductions are immediate, measurable, and verifiable — contributing directly to your sustainability targets.
Get started today
Complete the form below, and we will reach out to guide you through the process.